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Stephanie Carraro - Presentation Web

A Graphic designer and a landscape Photographer.

Stephanie Carraro lives and works in her hometown Clermont-Ferrand and in Aix-Les-Bains,

The Auvergne Rhône Alps region, France.

Graduated from Esacm, Fine Arts of Clermont-Ferrand Metropole, France,

she acquired her professional skills 

on Photography at Esra Paris &

Graphic Design at Aries ( Brassart Art School ) since 2008 to 2010.

Today, she combines her creative spirit and her know-how

A proximity local business & support for public projects.

She works in partnership with public institutions & cultural associations

Through his exhibited artistic work, it is actively associated with the cultural life of her region.

Stephanie Carraro - Portfolio Landart 2023


stephanie carraro - design land art - pi

La Paloma Blanche is a professional Design Studio and a Graphic Arts Workshop, 

A synthesis of creative experiences at the service of companies. 

An identity that brings together three origins: southern of Spain, central of France and northern of Italy. 

La Paloma Blanche originates from a very popular piece of Latin music,

La Paloma by Sebastian de Yradier y Salaverri,a musical score that we played as children on the chromatic accordion. 

Nature is a primary passion, it is a vector of inspiration and creation.

It gives a lot to learn, through the exploration of preserved natural and cultural spaces 

in France, Europe and the Middle East.

Established in Auvergne and Savoie, she assiduously practices mountain hiking and nature sports. 

A passionate about History, History of Art, Photography, Literature, Cinema and Music.

Stephanie Carraro - Presentation Deco Photographie

Present on social web, to bring you her own art style

and her expertise in all content digital creation.

Different possibilities of collab are proposed

If your product, service & company have the same ways

and the values ​​that are hers.


Creation of visual pictures and photos that will give you the desired ambiance and inspired.

They will surely highlight your product, your service or your destination.

An assignment of rights which will be effective for all your print media, web and social networks.

Terms of Sale

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